
Showing posts from August, 2011

Exercise In Ramadhan: My Little Experience

Today is the second day of Ramadhan that started yesterday. I would like to wish all Muslim readers a blessed Ramadhan Mubarak ahead. In case you are not aware, the Ramadhan month is known as the holiest month for Muslims all over the world, where Muslims observes one of the 5 pillars, fasting or also known as Sawn. Personally I've not fasted, neither I can stand fasting. I eat every 3-4 hours or else my body goes into Hypoglycemia mood. Last year, I posted about exercising during Ramadhan , that was just theoretical and not from my personal experience. Yesterday I decided to try experimenting not eating before training. Usually, I have my pre-workout meal 1 hour before training. What I did was stop eating after lunch at 1pm, and went to train with BootYcamp in the evening at 6:15pm. That is about 5 hours since my last meal. My experience: The campers started with light jog interval with power walking. Bodyweights conditioning were implemented in between the run and w