
Showing posts from October, 2009

Protein Supplements - To Shake or not to Shake?

So the question is, is it necessary to consume protein shake supplement, particularly Whey Protein. This is one of the many commonly asked questions by weight training beginners to me. Protein supplement is often portrayed by the media as the magic powder to grow muscles. Some even believe that by just consuming protein shakes, they can look like Bruce Lee ( How I wish it was that easy anyway ). Let us try to understand what are protein made up of ?  It is made up of 8 essential and 12 non-essential amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. Essential amino acids cannot be produced by our human body, while the other 12 non-essential amino acids are produced in our human body from dietary nitrogen and fragments of carbohydrates and fat. Natural sources of high quality protein ? Meat - Fish, Chicken, Beef etc, Milk, Soya Bean Milk, Tofu and of course Eggs. And what protein does? Generally protein builds and repairs body tissues and can also be used as our body's energ