
Showing posts from August, 2010

Exercise During Ramadhan?

It has been 6 days since Ramadhan started on the 11th August, and I would like to wish all Muslim readers a blessed Ramadhan Mubarak ahead. In case you are not aware, the Ramadhan month is known as the holiest month for Muslims all over the world, where Muslims observes one of the 5 pillars, fasting or also known as Sawn. And it's not uncommon for Muslim friends to ask me how should they adjust their exercise routine during the Ramadhan month or should they stop exercising during the holy month? Even non-Muslim who don't fast would ask me the same question, out of curiosity to know. In general, many side effects take place in the body during fasting mode, both physiological and psychological. Nausea, headache, lethargic and the list goes on. All these happens as the body tries to adapt to the change of diet of not having sufficient calories to sustain the demands imposed on the body. There are also other side effects that are invincible to the naked eyes, like slower metabo

Knowing Your Sources of Calories and Needs

In my previous post, I mentioned that it's not what you eat that makes you fat , but eating more calories than the body need is what makes you fat! But what are calories actually? A calorie is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius. (Okay, that's according to some science textbook's definition). So basically a calorie is a unit for energy. In this post's context, it's about energy for the sustenance for us, humans. We need energy for everything that we do, breathing, walking, standing, and even lying down resting. And we acquire energy from no other than food. A gram of carbohydrate contain 4 calories, a gram of protein contain 4 calories, and a gram of fat contain 9 calories. While above all that, next to fat is alcohol with 7 calories from every gram, and the worst part of alcohol is, it has no nutritional value. And to choose your source of calories, ISSA recommends the 1-2-3 nutritional rule-of-thumb. Wh